Wednesday,  Oct. 2, 2013 • Vol. 15--No. 79B • 18 of 65

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learning how to count rhythms so they will be able to sing or play many different rhythms that they see in music.  We will also continue to develop skills in matching pitch and singing in two or more parts.

•  Spanish I - Mrs. Kippley
• The Spanish I classes are just finishing up their work with the verb Ser.  It is very important to have a strong understanding of this verb and how it conjugates because the pattern of conjugation will be used throughout both Spanish I and II with all of the other verbs and tenses.  They have learned many adjectives for describing people, classes, and schools so far. Additionally they have learned numbers, question words, and how to have a basic conversation through greetings and goodbyes.  It is so early in the year, and I am very much looking forward to watching the students discover a new language this year!

• Spanish II - Mrs. Kippley
• The Spanish II classes are just finishing up their comprehensive review of all the vocabulary and verb tenses from Spanish I so we can begin building on their existing skills.  I am always pleasantly surprised with how well the students have retained information from the previous year, and this class is no exception!  They can look forward to learning how to use the conditional, imperfect, future, and imperative tenses this year which will help them to express themselves more accurately in Spanish. 

• Conceptual Chemistry - Mrs. Kippley
• We started the year off with scientific notation, significant figures, and learning how to make accurate measurements.  We also went over the scientific method and how it can be a useful tool in solving problems in science.  Just this week we began to do some work in the lab which is a nice change of pace for the students.  The new science lab has some brand new pink and blue safety goggles that the class looks pretty sharp in!  Our current classwork is focused on matter, atoms, and subatomic particles.  I am looking forward to a great year with this group. 

• Earth Science - Mrs. Kippley
• This year's Earth Science class has been doing a great job so far.  They also studied the scientific method and matter to start the year off.  However, this class is now switching its focus to rocks and minerals for the next unit.  We will be able to do some hands on activities to explore what makes rocks and minerals so different and so important for us as humans.  These students will be participating in the eCyber

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