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Our textbook is a little more challenging than the 7th grade textbook, but I feel it does a good job with Common Core type questions. Many questions are multiple-step questions that require recalling previous material we have already learned. • In this first month of school, we have studied reading and writing numbers which included integers, scientific notation, order of operations, and coordinate graphing. Currently, we moved into using variables in expressions, equations, and inequalities; this chapter will also include learning the Pythagorean Theorem. Because of the Common Core Standards, we are also working on seeing a pattern from given numbers or shapes and writing an expression for the pattern. • Throughout the year, we will continue to do cumulative reviews of what we have already learned. In math, we keep building on previously learned material, so it is important to keep revisiting past material. Math is just like sports or music or many other things in life; to learn and to get better, we need to practice. As our textbook tells the students, "Math is not a spectator sport". • Hopefully, the students are learning the importance of keeping up with daily work and reviewing (studying) for tests. Our textbook assignments cover three areas: covering the ideas, applying the math, and reviewing learned material. With our new Common Core Standards, the students will find out the "hows" and "whys" to getting to the solutions and see that there are sometimes several ways to arrive at the same correct answer. Parents, if you can help you child see a different way to solve a problem, that's great. The more strategies they see, the better they will get at problem solving. • • High School Band - Reid Johnson • The High School Band is off to a great start this year and we are looking forward to a successful marching season. The band is playing "Locked out of Heaven" as performed by Bruno Mars. They are looking and sounding better with each rehearsal. In addition to our Homecoming parade on October 4th, the band will march at Gypsy Days on Saturday, October 5th and also at The Lake Region Marching Band Festival in Groton on Friday, October 11th at 10:00 a.m. This festival was previously held in Waubay but Groton is now the new host of this festival! The High School Pep Band also continues to play at several events throughout the fall. • • 6th Grade Music - Reid Johnson • The 6th grade general music class has been learning and reviewing notes and rests of different rhythmic value. We are working our way through a unit on rhythm. We are listening to and singing music from around the world and discussing the similarities and differences of the music as it pertains to rhythm. Students are also (Continued on page 18)