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and give them an introduction to a wide variety of literature. After completing the novel they take a computerized test to check their comprehension of the literature. The book lists can be accessed on the school web page (www.grotonarea.com) by using the academics tab and choosing AR book finder. • • English 12 - Mrs. Hanten • The seniors just completed the unit covering the famous novel, Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck. This classic, easy to read novel is always a favorite choice of the seniors. We will now begin studying the progression of the English language, in conjunction with the literature of England. Our textbooks have a wide variety of technology resources available, including online access to many of the selections. This allows students the opportunity to leave their big textbooks at school and access their reading on their laptops at home, if they so choose. This first unit will include reading some famous Anglo-Saxon literature such as Beowulf and The Seafarer. The seniors have started a yearlong writing project entitled my Senior Memory Book. This project will consist of students writing and illustrating a twenty chapter book about memories and thoughts from their whole life. It is an excellent self-exploration tool, as well as a way to practice and improve their writing skills. The final product will be a worthwhile keepsake for students and parents alike. All senior English students are also reading independent, Accelerated Reader novels as part of their English grade. • • Honors English - Mrs. Hanten • The Honors students also began the year with the famous novel, Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck. The next unit they will be studying the progression of the English language, in conjunction with the literature of England. This first unit will include reading some famous Anglo-Saxon literature such as Beowulf and The Seafarer. The Honors students have also started working on their Senior Memory Book; however, their project consists of thirty chapters about memories and thoughts from their lives. This means an essay is due almost weekly from these honors students. It is amazing the progression and maturity I see in their writing skills as we move from the beginning to the end of the year. Their final product will be a very valuable keepsake for students and parents alike. Honors students are also required to read independent, Accelerated Reader novels as part of the class requirement. However, they must achieve a higher point value for each letter grade and are required to read some specific classic novels each semester. •
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