bit early. I had a little wait, but it was not bad, only 15 minutes. • The guy did a diagnostics on the computer and yup, there were some issues. He did a reinstall of the operating system to fix the issues and tweaked a couple of other things. My browser for the max side had died, so he reinstalled that as well. He had me do some testing on the browser to make sure it was working while he worked with another customer. I tested it and it worked. He came back, told me thank you and shook my hand. I asked how much it was and he said there is no charge. Wow! That surprised me. Try having an expert work on your PC for free. That doesn't happen. That made my day. • I took the shuttle to the mall and the driver told us that the Mall of America is going to be getting bigger. He said there are about 500 stores right now and when they are done, there will be over 1,000 stores as the mall size doubles in size. In one area, the circus is in town and the driver said once the circus is gone, they will start construction of the mall. He also pointed out that in one area, they are going to lower the road because the mall is going to be built right over the road. • Earlier this week, I talked with Sherri Rawstern from the Brown County Historical Society. She is the president of the organization. We talked about the historic Trinity church in Groton. One thing I talked about was having worship services at the church. She said it sounded like an excellent idea. So I am planning to have a worship service on Sunday, Oct. 6, at 5 p.m. I am thinking of having regular worship services at the church. We will see how the first one goes and take some input as to what we can do from that point, forward. • Just a reminder about the football game tomorrow at Volga. We will be blogging the game so if you can't make the trip, you can keep track of how the Tigers are doing. • And when I get home tonight, I'll be finishing up the weekly paper. I've been working on it here, but it is cumbersome working on it from a distance.