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10 Things to Know for Today The Associated Press
• Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that will be talked about today: • 1. IN MINNESOTA, A 'DEADLY PIPELINE' TO TERROR NETWORK • The state is home to one of the largest Somali communities outside Somalia, and alienated young men there are vulnerable to recruitment by al-Shabab. • 2. OBAMACARE STILL ON TRACK • A partial government shutdown next week would still leave the major parts of the health care law in place and rolling along. • 3. IRAN SIGNALS IT WANTS TO TALK • A deal to resolve international concerns about the nation's nuclear program would likely result in the easing of crippling economic sanctions. • 4. NEW ALLIANCE BOOSTS ASSAD'S CLAIM THAT HE'S BATTLING EXTREMISTS • Nearly a dozen rebel factions, including one linked to al-Qaida, renounce any ties to the main Western-backed opposition group -- and call for Islamic law. • 5. WHO'S HOLDING HIS NOSE -- AND ROLLING UP HIS SLEEVES • The new mayor is the latest to try to deodorize Mexico City, which outgrew its sewage system decades ago. • 6. COST OF A LETTER COULD GO UP • The U.S. Postal Service wants to raise the price of a first-class stamp by 3 cents, to 49 cents. • 7. WHICH EX-HEAD OF STATE HELPED OUT AT GAY WEDDING • George H.W. Bush served as an official witness at the same-sex union of two longtime female friends in Maine. • 8. CLICK HERE FOR HELP • Amazon's new Kindle tablets come with a feature called "Mayday," which allows users to summon a live customer service rep in a tiny video window. • 9. WHAT'S DIFFERENT ABOUT THE $100 BILL • The new high-tech note includes colors that change when the bill is turned, one of several features meant to thwart counterfeiters. • 10. YANKEES' SEASON WRAPPING UP EARLY • New York loses 8-3 to Tampa Bay and is eliminated from baseball's postseason for just the second time in 19 years. •
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