seconds. An hour had 60 minutes. A day had 24 hours. Oh, for those good old days. • I am not exactly sure how many seconds a minute has or how many minutes an hour has because he goes by so fast I cannot keep track. Technology has taken over and I for one object. • For example, I like looking at my wristwatch and seeing the second hand slowly tick around the dial. Now, we have cell phones with a digital clock. Unlike these digital clocks, all they tell me is what time it is right now. I like to look at a wristwatch and get a whole view of time: past, present and future. • I know that a week does not have seven days anymore. • I set out on Monday with high hopes of getting something accomplished during the week and by the time I clear my throat, it is Friday afternoon. Where did all that time go? • Years ago, the Beatles had a song called "Eight Days a Week." Nowadays it is (Continued on page 9)