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• "Sen. Johnson is a longtime friend of National Farmers Union," said NFU President Roger Johnson. "Throughout his career he has been a champion for family farmers and ranchers on issues ranging from farm bills, to energy policy, to competition in the livestock industry. His work on the banking committee helped to provide rural communities with access to the financing and credit they need to be successful." • Over 30 South Dakotans were in Washington and surrounded Sen. Johnson as he was given the prestigious award. South Dakota Farmers Union President Doug Sombke of Groton introduced the senator during the reception. • "Senator Johnson is a true friend to the family farmer and is so deserving of this award," Sombke said. "He's always been a champion for agriculture and has stood with us on so many issues throughout his incredible career. I can't thank Senator Johnson enough for all of the work he's done to make life better for South Dakota's agricultural producers." • "I am truly humbled and honored to receive this prestigious award from the National Farmers Union," said Sen. Johnson. "Throughout my years of service, I have always been committed to improving the lives of family farmers and ranchers who live in rural communities, and I look forward to continuing this effort in the Senate." • "The Farmers Union family congratulates Sen. Johnson on his tremendous service in the U.S. Senate," said President Johnson. "He will be missed upon his retirement." • NFU's Fall Legislative Fly-In meetings and events will be held Sept. 9 to 11. For more information about Fly-In events, visit www.NFU.org.