• In August, plant pathologists in Nebraska announced the confirmation of southern rust in 11 counties. • Sam Markell, a North Dakota State University Extension plant pathologist, said trace amounts of common rust have been detected in North Dakota but southern rust has never reached so far north. He said it's surprising and a little alarming that the disease has found its way into South Dakota. • "Usually it doesn't really come across the Mason-Dixon line all that much," Markell said. • In its latest South Dakota crop report, the U.S. Department of Agriculture estimated that 41 percent of the state's crop had reached the dented stage as of Sept. 1, a pace that trails the five-year average of 49 percent but is far behind last year's 78 percent. • Southern rust's arrival in South Dakota should not have a significant effect on yield for crops that have passed the dent growth stage, Byamukama said. • "The risk for this rust to become an issue is really limited," Byamukama said. • But many South Dakota cornfields were planted late because of the cool, wet spring, he said, and those growers should survey their fields to check for the presence of southern rust. Although most corn hybrids have resistant genes to common rust, the plants are susceptible to southern rust so a fungicide should be applied as (Continued on page 22)