Netters beat Ipswich in season opener
• Groton's volleyball team defeated Ipswich in the season opener Tuesday in Ipswich, 3-1. Game scores were 25-23, 19-25, 25-12 and 25-13. • In attacks, Groton was 85 of 015 with 29 kills. Camille Sippel was 30 of 35 with 10 kills and Kylie Hawkins was 16 of 19 with five kills. • In serves, Groton was 77 of 91 with 13 ace serves. Hawkins was 22 of 25 with three ace serves, Sippel was 12 of 15 with six ace serves and Kasey Waage was 10 of 11 with one ace serve. • Groton had 37 digs with Waage having 13 and Sippel 10. • In sets, Groton was 130 of 132 with 20 assists. Courtney Kurtz was 96 of 97 with 19 assists and Regan Lewandowski was 12 of 12 with one assist. • Groton had to solo blocks, one each by Sadie Rogers and Camille Sippel.