Groton C&MA to hold Rally Day/Membership Sunday
• Krista Tunby was only two years old when the Groton Christian and Missionary Alliance Church held its Dedication service on December 7, 1997 but she is reminded of her part in that service every time she walks past the picture of that special Sunday nearly sixteen years ago now. There on the far right end of the nearly forty persons in that picture is her (then) family of six, with Krista in her father Lars' arms. Her older sisters Shawna and Chantel are in the front of the family, with Chantel holding her 6-day-old brother Dawson, the youngest of the charter family members at the Dedication service that day. • Sophie Cutler was just a year older than Krista on that Sunday as she too stood with her family in that same picture with her family, her mother holding five-month-old brother Isaiah, who had been the first child Dedicated to the LORD at the newly established Groton C&MA Church earlier that fall. • Now on Sunday, September 8th at the 10:45 am Worship service of the Groton Church Krista, her sister Shawna, Sophie, and nine other persons are going to be following those first charter members of the Groton Church by becoming Full Members of the church. Those joining Sunday besides Krista, Shawna, and Sophie are Rick Buhler of rural Butler, Mike and JoAnne Ehresmann, Dave Hunter, Henry and Deborah Jacobs, Cindy Litch, Craig and Wanda Speich, all of Groton.
TruthSeekers coming to a church near you for 1st-6th graders
• TruthSeekers, an outreach ministry of AWANA, for children from 1st through 6th grade, is beginning on Wednesday, September 4th, at 7:00 pm at the Groton C&MA Church. Geared to bring the true but simple message of the Scriptures to our young people, TruthSeekers teaches the entire narrative of the Bible (Genesis through Romans) to completely introduce your young people to their God and His provision through Jesus Christ, His Son. • The Groton Church, 706 N. Main Street invites you to witness the children 'get it' as they are lead through the epic story of Creation to the cross and First Century A.D. The goal is to equip our children to live for and serve the LORD and one another in the way of the Bible through chronologically teaching the children about the people of God testified to in the Bible. • All children of the community are invited to come on Wednesday evenings at 7 pm.