McGannon as co-chairman. • Water, swimming pool, skating, other recreation: Muilenburg as chairman, Eddy Opp as co-chairman. • Streets, baseball, liquor: McGannon as chairman, Heitmann as co-chairman. • Wastewater, solid waste, forestry, airport: Opp as chairman, Clare Brotherton as co-chairman. • Finance office, legal, library, insurance, general administration: Brotherton as chairman, Mary Fliehs as co-chairman. • Senior citizens, community center, civil defense, economic development: Fliehs as chairman, Muilenburg as co-chairman. • Police: Mayor as chairman, McGannon as co-chairman. • The Groton swimming pool closed on Sunday with the last few days having really good turnouts. Daily attendance ranged from 160 to 180. After an executive session, the council agreed to give the tri-managers a 25 cent an hour bonus for the year. • The historic Episcopal Church in Groton is once again up for discussion. The city received a letter from the Brown County Historical Society bascially saying they no longer want to maintain the building and that unless Groton is willing to take it over, it will probably be moved the Wylie Park. A copy of the letter is included in today's GDI. • Mayor Scott Hanlon said that it is a shame for the building to be in Groton where no one uses it. "If the people don't come to it, it would be better to take it to the peo (Continued on page 6)