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ployed by the city. I don't understand it. Can anyone explain why my name was brought up at that point? • Mayor Scott Hanlon: That subject was never discussed in open meeting. So I guess I was surprised that you heard about it. • Kevin: I heard about it from out in the town. • Scott: It was never discussed in an open meeting. • Kevin: Is that what we talk about in executive session? • Scott: What we discuss in executive session is personnel, hiring, and legal. • Kevin: What part of me is legal? • Scott: It pertained to Roy--that would have been personnel. All of us on the board are considered personnel. We're happy for your input and that you shared that with us. • Kevin: Everybody wants public support, especially council members and the mayor. That's no way to get public support. It really isn't for public involvement. That is a big discouragement for anybody. I know when I was running for office, I know it's free game and they can say whatever they want to say, even if it isn't true, but I don't think it was right. And it definitely wasn't right for Roy's family. It upset me. It made me sick to my stomach. And if anyone wants to clarify, they can call down to the Municipal League and she'll verify that. I had a conversation with her after that to make sure I didn't' come across the wrong way. She said there could have been some confusion. There was tough times. But the big thing is that I wanted to clarify it with everybody here. And that's the type of person I am. If I was wrong, I will say I'm wrong. Thank you very much and I appreciate it. • Scott: Thank you.