• Returning to earth after several orbital circles in outer space, a Russian cosmonaut proudly boasted, "I looked everywhere, but I didn't see God." That statement made me wonder what evidence would have been acceptable to him to prove that there is a God. Paul once wrote, "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities - His eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen." • The eye, our "window to the world," seems to be a very special part of God's creation. But before the eye was formed, in His unfathomable wisdom a process was set in motion: "Let there be light!" He ordered. For us to see anything light must be reflected off of an object to form a "picture" or the eye is useless. • Before God created our eyes He prepared a special place for them: He formed the bones of the skull to give them a safe place to do their work. He then fashioned our eyelids to keep out dirt and dust and made eyebrows to keep glaring light from damaging them. Finally He developed a lubricating process to keep our eyes moist and clean by causing tears to flow. • Finally, there is the cornea. It allows rays of light to pass through the iris and form a scene in our brain. And here the process becomes complete: Our brain takes what we see and enables us to make sense of God's creation, love and salvation through His word. • "Seeing" God, however, takes more than the eye. "If you search for Me with all your heart, you'll find Me." • Prayer: Open our hearts, Father, as well as our eyes to discover Your beauty and majesty, love and salvation. In Jesus' Name, Amen. • Scripture for Today: Psalm 94:9b Does he who formed the eye not see? •