Claremont Recorder By Beverly Patterson
• Isn't it funny how things start happening sometimes and at first you sort of blow them off as if it's no big deal and then, all of a sudden you realize something is wrong! Last week when I went to get in my car, I noticed a little pile of sunflower seeds under my car seat. I picked them up and tossed them and thought it was sort of weird and carried on. That little mess I had cleaned up reappeared the next day. That's when the clouds cleared and I faced the inevitable news....I had a MOUSE in my car!!!! Yuck! Ish! Panic! I needed a plan and it needed to be good. I instantly became Warrior Bev! I'm no longer blessed with the dexterity to pull off those darn snappy traps. I've decided the inventor of those nasty things had a very warped sense of humor. They're just not worth the stress they create so the plan of attack would have to be poison or sticky traps or a combination of both. Well, I'm happy to report that I set up a tiny little Decon buffet and a cozy little sticky bed and approximately 48 hours after the hotel accommodations were installed, the corpse of one tiny little intruder was identified near the foot pedal of my car and he was not eating sunflower seeds. I have always hated the expression, "if there's one there's more" but several people have uttered those words so the buffet remains in place and the covers are still turned down on the sticky little bed just in case there are others that checked into the Warrior Bev Hotel. • Bob, Betty and Steve Stanley enjoyed a week long visit with Diane and Stacy Darnell and Robby and Tommy Gass of Aurora Colorado. Diane is Bob and Betty's daughter. Stacy is their granddaughter and Robby and Tommy are their great (Continued on page 4)