(Continued from page 7)
• • On Sunday, August 18th Ann Bailey traveled to Hecla to spend some time at the home Dick and Bonita Edwards. A meal was served and enjoyed by Ann, Dick and Bonita, Brandon, Jessica, Braydon, Ashlyn and Caitlyn Casey, John and Rae Edwards as well as Dick's niece Sharon and her husband Bob and their two grandsons from California. Carrie Walton joined them that afternoon for coffee. Everyone had a wonderful time. • • It's nearing the end of August which means fall is on it's way. I hope your summer provided you with some good times. I haven't hit the rewind button on mine but if memory serves me correctly, it's been a really good one! Send me your news for next week's edition of the Claremont News so everyone will know what you've been doing! We never see you so we're really curious to know what you've been up to! • •