Monday,  Aug. 19, 2013 • Vol. 15--No. 35 • 23 of 29

(Continued from page 22)

San Diego mayor set to return to City Hall after undergoing therapy, faces recall drive

• SAN DIEGO (AP) -- According to the age-old saying, time heals all. But for Mayor Bob Filner, his troubles have only continued to mount while he was away in therapy.
• Even the local Hooters restaurants have posted signs saying he is not welcome there.
• Filner is expected to appear at City Hall on Monday, when he has said he will return to work after undergoing an intensive two-week therapy program.
• More than a dozen women, including a university dean and a retired Navy rear admiral, have gone public with accusations. Some contend he cornered them, groping and slobbering them with kisses.
• Filner's former communications director, Irene McCormack Jackson, filed a lawsuit claiming that he asked her to work without panties, demanded kisses, told her he wanted to see her naked and dragged her in a headlock while whispering in her

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Superstorm task force says as coasts rebuild, they should prep for rising seas, future floods

• NEW YORK (AP) -- A presidential task force charged with developing a strategy for rebuilding areas damaged by Superstorm Sandy has issued a report recommending 69 policy initiatives, most focused on a simple warning: Plan for future storms in an age of climate change and rising sea levels.
• The report released Monday by the Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Task Force says coastal communities should assume floods are going to happen more frequently and realize that spending more now on protective measures could save money later. It calls for development of a more advanced electrical grid less likely to be crippled in a crisis, and the creation of better planning tools and standards for communities rebuilding storm-damaged areas.
• "Decision makers at all levels must recognize that climate change and the resulting increase in risks from extreme weather have eliminated the option of simply building back to outdated standards and expecting better outcomes after the next

(Continued on page 24)

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