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• The survey asked the bankers to estimate the share of farmland sales made to nonfarm investors. Their answer: about 20 percent. In some states, Goss said, investor purchases were down dramatically. • Fritz Kuhlmeier, CEO of Citizens State Bank in Lena, Ill., said, local farmers "have completely driven the nonfarmer investors out of the farmland market by elevating the prices over returns investors demand." •
Larson sworn in as SD School and Public Lands head
• PIERRE, S.D. (AP) -- Vern Larson, a former state treasurer and state auditor, was sworn in Thursday as South Dakota's commissioner of school and public lands. • Gov. Dennis Daugaard appointed Larson, of Vivian, to replace Jarrod Johnson as head of the agency that administers state lands set aside to support schools and other institutions. Johnson resigned for family reasons. • Larson will serve out the remainder of the term, which ends in January 2015, but he has said he will not be a candidate for the office next year. • South Dakota Supreme Court Chief Justice David Gilbertson gave Larson the oath of office in a ceremony attended by the governor, Attorney General Marty Jackley and other state officials. • "I'm looking forward to the opportunities and challenges," Larson said at the end of the short ceremony. • Larson was elected state auditor in 1978 and was re-elected five times, serving from 1979 to 2003. He was elected state treasurer in 2002, serving two terms from 2003 to 2011. •
Authorities identify Sioux Falls house fire victim
• SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) -- Authorities have identified a mother of four who died in a house fire in Sioux Falls but are still trying to pinpoint what started the blaze. • Jennifer Donaldson, 40, died early Wednesday in the blaze in the one-story house, police said Thursday Her children, ages 5, 7, 15, and 17, were staying elsewhere for the night and she was the only one inside. • "She was a great woman, an awesome person," neighbor and friend Rachael Dixon, who had the two youngest children over for a sleepover, told the Argus Leader newspaper. "She had a great personality. She was a very loving woman, very supportive. If you needed anything, she was there to help you." • Investigators believe the blaze that heavily damaged the home started in the (Continued on page 22)