Fall Rummage Day
Groton Lions annual fall rummage sale - Sat. Sept. 7 - contact Lee for details. lee@nvc.net, 225-3630, or 228-6945.
Boomer Babble - Thoughts at Large The Real Road to Health By John Chicoine
• Are you on a diet? Have you been exercising? Are you trying to eat the right foods? Have you noticed that every week new research comes out on something concerning your health? Perhaps you're confused? Recently scientists released research that disclosed that if a person is somewhat overweight you'll live longer than people who are too thin or the medically optimal weight. However a year or so ago, research by scientists established that the thinner you were, the longer you would live. Extreme lean was keen. Grossly underweight was great. The sixties model Twiggy was being considered for sainthood. • Research on food is all eschew. For years chickens were humiliated because eggs were considered the food of the devil. Looking at an egg would cause cholesterol to rise 20 points. Real butter was blamed for clogging arteries worse than the LA freeway at rush hour. • Now research discloses an egg a day is actually beneficial for you and rich in vitamin D. Real butter is now considered better for you than the artificial plastic laden (Continued on page 5)