Preparing To Celebrate Our 125th Anniversary A column by Gov. Dennis Daugaard:
• When my grandson, Henry, turned one year old in July, our family and friends gathered with us to celebrate his special day. We enjoyed a nice meal together and then watched Henry attempt to eat his birthday cake and open his presents. As a one-year-old, Henry probably doesn't quite grasp the birthday concept yet, but it was important for us to celebrate. • Regardless of our age, we should all take the time to recognize the significant milestones in our lives. Whether it's a birthday, anniversary, confirmation or graduation, it's important for loved ones to come together and celebrate. • One momentous occasion worth celebrating is quickly approaching us - South Dakota is about to reach its 125th anniversary. • More than 125 years ago, Arthur C. Mellette, who would later become the state's first governor, had a vision for the southern half of the Dakota Territory and led the movement for statehood. When a friend of Mellette's - U.S. Senator Benjamin Harrison - was elected to the presidency, South Dakota was admitted into the Union. • Gov. Mellette and the first South Dakotans struggled in those first few years. Drought and overly-optimistic predictions of settlement negatively impacted the economy and hurt farmers and ranchers. Additionally, the first Governor dealt with tension from tragedies like the Wounded Knee Massacre and the murder of Sitting (Continued on page 7)