Schwan takes over as MS/HS Principal
• It seems as though just when we are getting know the principal at the Groton High School, they move on to other things, and this year is no different. With Joe Schwan moving into the superintendent's office, the middle school/ high school principal office has a new occupant. • Anna Schwan began her new duties in Groton on August 1. This will be her first assignment as a principal since getting her degree. She graduated from Lake Preston in 1998 and went on to do her undergraduate work at South Dakota State Uni
versity in Brookings. She then attended the University of South Dakota for her Master's degree. • Her first teaching job was in Leola, when she did a little of everything. • "You know how it is in a small school," Schwan said. "You do a little of everything. You teach, act as an adviser, coach and just generally help out where you are needed." • Schwan is a language arts teacher and has been teaching English as a second language to students at Aberdeen
Central since 2010. She also helped out with the Oral Interp team there. • Schwan's husband, Brett, is also a teacher. He is a middle school resource room person at Holgate Middle School in Aberdeen. The couple have four children: Stella, 9; Lydia 7; Ryder, 2 and Ivan, 8 months. While the family is currently living in Ipswich, they are looking for a place in Groton. • "With the housing market the way it is in Ipswich," Schwan said. "We figured we would have time to put the house on the market and look around for a place in Groton. We were surprised when the house sold so fast, so we are now looking for (Continued on page 8)