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Any questions may be directed to head coaches or athletic director, Brian Schuring, at (605) 397-8381. • GRASP (OST) Program • The GRASP program services children in junior kindergarten through grade five with before and after-school homework help, supervised learning activities, and snacks. The GRASP program will be held in the Groton Area Elementary School from 7:00AM - 8:00AM and 3:25PM - 6:00PM each day that school is in session. Rates are $2.50 per hour, per child. Any OST questions or registrations may be directed to elementary principal, Mr. Dalchow, at (605) 397-2317. • K-12 Breakfast and Lunch Program • The school provides breakfast and lunch for all students each day school is in session. All meals are on a cash basis (i.e. pay as you go), while recognizing the provisions for free and reduced price meals. Guidelines for 2013-2014 applications for free and reduced priced meals were mailed out on August 1, 2013. Parents are encouraged to apply for free and reduced priced meals if there is a possibility they may qualify. Prices are as follows: • Groton Area Elementary: • Milk Juice • Monthly $5.90 $7.00 • Semester $23.60 $28.00 • Yearly $47.20 $56.00 • Daily Breakfast $2.25 • Daily Lunch $2.75 • Prices for second servings at the elementary are $0.50. • Groton Area Middle School/High School: • Daily Breakfast $2.75 • Daily Lunch $4.00 • Prices for second servings at the middle/high school are $0.75. • Activity Tickets • Activity tickets are intended to admit all students to regularly scheduled home activities or events, with about the only exceptions being tournaments and the Pops Concert. Students in grades 1-5 may purchase an activity ticket, if they wish. All students who participate in activities for which an activity stipend is paid are required to purchase an activity ticket as a condition of participation since they are the primary beneficiaries of the activity programs. For example, staff activity stipends include: all sports, marching band, forensics, cheerleading, drama, oral interp, DI, FFA, FCCLA, etc.
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