• What's the difference between the word "special" and the word "unique? • The word "special" implies that someone or something surpasses or exceeds the usual or normal. It could refer to an athlete who excels in his or her particular sport and has done things differently or set records that will remain unbroken for many years. It might refer to a vehicle that has been modified to meet the specifications of an owner. • But the word "unique" implies something different. The word unique means that something or someone is the only one of its kind and has no rival. "It" is not only different, but incomparable and unparalleled. • Our God is certainly not an "it." Our God is a Person and He certainly is unique. Our Psalmist brings this to our attention when he asks, "For who in the skies above can compare with the Lord? Who is like the Lord among the heavenly beings?" • Of course the answer he would give us is an answer we already know: No one! There is no sun or planet in the sky that is equal to Him. Then he adds that there is no "heavenly being" - none of the angels or holy ones - who inhabit heaven who can be compared to the Lord. Our God is above all and beyond all because He created all. • So what are we to do? We are to "greatly fear" Him and understand that He "is more awesome than all who surround Him." Our "fear" of Him will create a "respect" for Him and when we recognize how "awesome" He is, we will worship in spirit and in truth, in love and humility. • Prayer: Gracious and loving Father, open our minds and hearts to Your greatness. May we worship You in love. In Jesus' Name, Amen. • Scripture for Today: Psalm 89:6 For who in the skies above can compare with the Lord? Who is like the Lord among the heavenly beings? •