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• Harassment and Bullying Policies • The district has harassment & bullying policies in place in both buildings. Bullying among students can be defined as intentional, repeated hurtful acts, words or other behavior, such as name-calling, threatening and/or shunning committed by one or more students against another. This definition also includes "cyber-bullying" which is the sending or posting of cruel or harmful texts or images using the Internet or other digital media such as cell phones, etc. For a complete copy of the district's harassment or bullying policy, please contact the building principal. • Grievance Procedure • In an effort to maintain effective communications, if you have a particular concern about your child's progress or about what is happening on the bus, at school, in a class or activity, first discuss it with the driver, teacher, or director of the activity. If your concern or grievance remains unresolved at that level, or if there is a need to share your concern, contact the principal in charge of the school in which your child attends. If the concern/grievance remains unresolved at that level, contact the superintendent. If school policy is at issue or if the concern grievance remains unresolved, you may request that the superintendent include the subject on the school board meeting agenda. To maintain confidentiality, student matters may be confined to an "executive session" with the Board and administration. • Complaint Policy for Federal Programs and Homelessness Policy • A parent, student, employee, or district stakeholder who has a complaint regarding the use of federal funds and is unable to solve the issue, may address the complaint in writing to the district's superintendent. Disputes addressing the enrollment, transportation, and other barriers to the education of children and youth experiencing homelessness are also addressed under this procedure. For a copy of the complete policy, contact the school superintendent. • Child Find • Parents or guardians are to be informed that the Groton Area School District 06-6 continuously conducts a "Child Find" search to identify and evaluate District children ages 0-21, with special education needs. Persons who know of a child with un-served education needs may refer the child, by name, to the appropriate building principal. With the parent or guardian's consent, an evaluation will be made. After the evaluation has been completed, a placement committee will meet with the parent or guardian to determine if special assistance is needed. • Title I • The federal government provides funding to states each year for Title I services. The goal of Title I is to provide extra help in math and reading for eligible students. Students are selected for the program based on information provided by classroom (Continued on page 11)