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South Dakota Legislature instead passed a law that allows school districts to decide whether to arm school leaders in order to deter would-be attackers. Local law enforcement officials must approve a school's plan. • Under the rules, the so-called school sentinels will undergo at least 80 hours of training in firearms proficiency, use of force, legal issues, first aid and weapons retention and storage. The rules will not take effect until September, so officials say the first training class probably won't be held until next summer -- when teachers and others have time for the two-week course. • Only those approved by a school board and local law enforcement officials could be trained to have guns in schools. Officials have said the fee charged to school districts for the initial 80-hour course is expected to be $700. To retain qualifications, sentinels would have to complete another eight hours of training each year. • Jackley said no school district has formally notified the state it plans to arm teachers and others under the law. • "I've had some just general inquiries from school board members regarding the process, but no official indication any school board was moving forward through a resolution at this point," Jackley said. He's a member of the commission, which also includes state, local and federal law enforcement officials and prosecutors. • Hughes County Sheriff Mike Leidholt, another member of the commission, said he thinks the group did a good job of writing the rules as required by the law passed by the Legislature. • "I'm a big proponent of local control," Leidholt said. "In certain instances, I think it could be a viable option. But most school districts aren't going to be interested, I believe." • Supporters of the law argue the program might be needed in rural areas where law enforcement agencies are located miles from schools. • Associations representing school boards, school administrators and teachers opposed the measure during the legislative session, contending that armed teachers or volunteers could increase the danger of accidental shootings or create problems if students find a sentinel's gun. • Wage Pogany, executive director of the Associated School Boards of South Dakota, said after Friday's meeting that opponents of the law would rather have actual police officers in schools. • "I think there's still some concern about whenever you place a gun in a school what can happen with children there," Pogany said. • The Law Enforcement Officers Standards and Training Commission originally planned to certify school sentinels in a process similar to how actual law officers are (Continued on page 19)