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the state. • "This one tastes a little bit better, for whatever reason," said Groton coach Travis Kurth. "This was a hard-fought game and one that we are just happy to be on the right end of." • "That's a good team that we just beat," Kurth added. "We knew that all along coming into the tournament. The more I watched them, the more I was impressed with them. It's too bad somebody actually had to lose this game, because both teams are very deserving of this championship." • During the awards ceremony, one Vermillion fan said "Groton is a hard team to beat. They have the best batter in Matt Thorson, the best pitcher, Dane Campbell, the best first baseman, Dalton Locke and the team is good at moving the ball around the field." • Following the awards presentation, a caravan was formed in Andover to escort the team home through the streets of Groton and was followed by a celebration at the Red Horse. • The American Legion will also be hosting a celebration for the team on (Continued on page 10)