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• More Americans say they favor financial help for rebuilding than relocating, and both options draw even greater support among those hit hardest by Superstorm Sandy. • A survey from the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research examined resilience following last year's superstorm, and found that among those living in the hardest-hit neighborhoods of New York and New Jersey, 79 percent said they favored government funding to help victims of such disasters rebuild in the same neighborhood. • That doesn't mean they're opposed to policies encouraging relocation, though they are a bit less likely to back them -- 59 percent were in favor of state governments purchasing homes in disaster-stricken regions so residents can move to a safer area. • That pattern follows the poll's findings nationwide: 65 percent support funding for rebuilding in the same location and 53 percent back government assistance with relocation. • ___
Weiner falls to 4th in new NYC mayoral poll while Cuomo remains silent on his bid
• NEW YORK (AP) -- New York City mayoral hopeful Anthony Weiner plunged to fourth place among Democrats in a poll taken since he admitted to having illicit online exchanges with women even after he resigned from Congress amid a sexting scandal. • The poll -- which Weiner led just five days ago -- also showed about half of likely Democratic voters saying Weiner should abandon his mayoral bid. • Weiner's support fell from 26 percent last week to 16 percent in Monday's Quinnipiac University poll. Last week's survey was taken largely before Weiner's latest scandal was revealed. • "He's in a free-fall," said poll director Maurice Carroll. "He can't win. He simply can't win." • Standing side by side with his wife, Weiner admitted last week that he had tawdry online exchanges -- including X-rated photos -- with a then-22 year-old Indiana woman after he stepped down from Congress in 2011 over similar behavior. He later said he had similar exchanges with two other women after his resignation. •
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