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that not having an opportunity to do nothing I might forget the finesse associated with that art. I do not get a chance very often to do nothing so I am anxious to practice the skills associated with nothing. In this regard, my calendar has not been very cooperative. Where are those lazy days of summer where I can do nothing? • Not only has my calendar not been cooperative but also my wife has been the epitome of obstruction in this pursuit of mine. Just when I think a lazy day is looming on the horizon, she comes up with something for me to do. Even though all I wanted to do was nothing, she insists that I do her something. Either I do her something or else. I do not want to do her or else for nothing. • Those lazy days of summer were the perfect opportunity to perfect the fine art of doing nothing. Regretfully I have to honestly face the fact that those times are far behind me. No more lazy days of summer for me. At least not as many as there used to be. • The old preacher in Ecclesiastes was right when he said, ''To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:'' (Ecclesiastes 3:1 KJV). • I can look back with a sense of satisfaction and know that when I did have those lazy days of summer I put them to good use and developed skill in doing nothing. I know before me are some days when I will not have the strength or energy to do anything, then my ability to do nothing will come in good use.
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