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staffed throughout the span of the fair and will give veterans an opportunity to talk to experts about benefits and programs available to them. • Veterans attending school this fall at one of South Dakota's universities or technical schools, please remember to make contact with the school's certifying officials. They are a great resource to assist you in transitioning from soldier to student. • South Dakota is fortunate to have over 75,000 veterans - 75,000 men and women who have proudly served this country and are deserving of benefits they have earned. I challenge each of you to reach out to veterans in your family and ask them "Have you ever visited with your veteran's service officer to see if you qualify for any benefits?" Encourage them to make that contact. Again, a listing of the veterans service officers can be found at: http://mva.sd.gov/vet_service_officers.html • It is important that we honor the men and women in uniform who have made tremendous sacrifices in the defense of our nation and who remind us of their valor and service. • Larry Zimmerman, Secretary • South Dakota Department of Veterans Affairs