• What happens when God's people do God's work? Is there any evidence to His mercy and grace? Can those around us actually see Him at work? • The Psalmist said that "Surely His salvation is near those who fear Him, that His glory may dwell in our land." • In other words, when people become born again - accept God's salvation through faith in Christ - there will be evidence of God's Kingdom on earth. Christians will busy themselves in working with the needy, bring hope and help to those who are suffering, seek justice for those who are wronged and establish rules that are just and fair. • In Psalm 85:11 we read, "Faithfulness (to God's Word) will spring forth from the earth, and righteousness looks down from heaven." If we believe the Word of God, we are to live the Word of God and that means we are to do whatever is within our power to establish His Kingdom on earth. • Whenever people's hearts are right with God, we see God-things happen. The abolition of slavery and the end of child labor followed a resurgence of faith in God. The Salvation Army came to life when General Booth was convicted that God called him to bring God's love to the needy. Seeing children, who were neglected, ignorant and hungry burdened Robert Raikes to start "Sunday" school. Many educational and charitable institutions came into existence because God's people saw God's children in need and were convicted by His Spirit to do something about it. Evidence that righteousness on earth comes from Heaven! • Prayer: Help us, Father, to see what You see and then become Your hands and feet on earth to show Your love. In Jesus' Name, Amen. • Scripture for Today: Psalm 85:11 Faithfulness springs forth from the earth and righteousness looks down from heaven. •