Saturday mail delivery could end soon
• This morning, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee plans to mark-up a bill by Chairman Darrell Issa that would immediately end Saturday mail service. • This bill has a long way to go before it becomes law. The bill is now moving, and is likely to pass this committee. Last year, Issa's bill never made it to the House floor. The current version is a stronger bill and has a better chance. • Congress has CONTINUALLY had this issue on its radar since 2009. For six-day mail to continue, Congress has to reenact the provision requiring it every year. USPS continues to insist it needs to stop Saturday mail delivery. A final enactment of postal reform will end the year-to-year uncertainty one way or the other. • NNA's position on 6-day mail has not changed. On the Senate side, we no longer have the strong support of Sen. Susan Collins to keep Saturday mail in force. Rather, Sens. Tom Coburn, R-OK, wants to end Saturday delivery and create major postage increases for Periodicals mailers. Sen. Tom Carper, D-DE, favors letting the Postal Service decide for itself which days to deliver. • •