Teeners drop pair to Aberdeen B
• Aberdeen B defeated Groton's Teener team in a pair of games played yesterday in Aberdeen. • Aberdeen B won the first game, 12-0. Nick Dalchow had the only hit. Isaiah Cutler had the only walk.. Trevor Pray was the pitcher with 79 pitches, two strike-outs, two walks and 13 hits. Dalchow was the catcher. • Aberdeen B won the second game, 2-1. Lucas Sternhagen was the pitcher with 88 pitches, two strike-outs, five walks and three hits. He also had a single. Wyatt Larson had a double. Jackson Doeden and Cutler each had a walk.
The July meeting of the ABC Birthday Club met at the home of Darlene Fisher in Aberdeen with Arlene Anderson as co- hostess. Prizes were awarded to Ella Johnson, Arlene Anderson and Audrey Padfield. Ella Johnson received the honors. The guest was Beverly McGannon. The September 6 meeting will be at the Olive Grove Club House with Deloris Knoll as hostess at 1 o'clock.