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male birds or the outgrowths on the heads of male rhinocerous beetles that work as a similar symbol of male quality. • These traits say to the females "I am so fit that I can survive even when I have this ridiculous handicap". By seeing a male guarding a clutch of eggs, the females are assured that they are getting a good mate, because no weak male could pull off such a self-sacrificing behavior. • In fact, fatherhood is so burdensome that I am not sure that a single Father's Day per year is sufficient to acknowledge the incredible sacrifices that we dad's make. I propose to make the second Father's Day on January 23 (to help society get over that winter hump). For these semi-annual celebrations of fatherhood, save the money spent on cards and upgrade the presents. • Jonathan Lundgren is a research entomologist at the USDA-ARS research • facility in Brookings, SD. Although interested in all aspects of insect biology, • he specializes on insect conservation and reducing crop pests through the • use of beneficial insects.