• Most people in America pride themselves on the ability to make their own choices. • "Freedom of Choice," is the cry you hear all around our country these days. Yet, most people do not have the freedom of choice they think they have. Somebody is influencing the choices they make without them realizing they are being influenced. • That is called marketing. • The Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage and I were watching television the other night, trying to watch a favorite TV program. Finally, from an end of the room that was not my end, came an exasperated sigh. I tried to ignore it, but you know how that works. • The exasperation seemed to accelerate and I knew that if I did not acknowledge it in some way, well, I think you know what would happen. • It was in the middle of some commercials and so I turned to her and said, "What's got you in such pain tonight?" At her age I did not know if there was some medical something or other going on. • "These commercials," she moaned so painfully, "I can't stand all these commercials!" • I must say I was a little bummed out about all the commercials myself. I think every one-hour program is devoted to 30 minutes of commercials. Most of those (Continued on page 4)