(Continued from page 6)
adult beetles will be out on leafy spurge plants. Avoid releasing the beetles in the dense center of a leafy spurge patch, rather release them in areas of moderate density toward the edge of the patch. • Weather: The most productive collection days are hot, still days. The beetles will be higher up on leafy spurge plants and easier to collect. When it's cold and/or windy out, beetles stay closer to the ground. However, collections can be very successful on moderately breezy days. • Where: Beetles will be most abundant where you find "dead cane" (dead, brittle leafy spurge stems). You may also notice damage to the leaves of live leafy spurge plants. This is evidence that beetles are present. Sweep in the vicinity of any previous year's release areas as beetles often move away from the original release points. • Technique: Sweep back and forth with a pace slow enough to prevent the bee (Continued on page 8)