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10 Things to Know for Today The Associated Press
• Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that will be talked about today: • 1. DECISION LOOMS FOR ZIMMERMAN IN TEEN SHOOTING • • A Florida jury could start deliberating today after the defense argues that Zimmerman never meant to kill Trayvon Martin. Jurors could convict him of murder or manslaughter. • 2. LAST MINUTES IN THE ASIANA COCKPIT The AP's Joan Lowy reports the plane descended from 4,500 to 600 feet in four minutes, and pilots tried to speed up under 500 feet. • • 3. BOSTON STRANGLER SUSPECT TO BE EXHUMED • Police want to explore a DNA link between Albert DeSalvo, widely believed to have been the notorious 1960s serial killer, and one of the 11 victims. • • 4. EGYPT INVESTIGATES OUSTED LEADER'S JAILBREAK • Prosecutors want to know whether Mohammed Morsi escaped prison during the 2011 revolution with help from Hamas. • • 5. WHERE YOUR DNA IS • Countries around the world, led by Britain and the U.S., are holding genetic material of millions of citizens in the name of fighting crime and terrorism. • • 6. FARM BILL VOTE SETS UP FOOD STAMP FIGHT • The House passed a scaled-back bill without the program, launching a debate about domestic food aid in the U.S. • • 7. WHERE SNOWDEN IS LOOKING FOR HELP • The NSA leaker plans to meet today with a Russian official of Amnesty International while he negotiates for asylum. • • 8. HUNDREDS MAKE INDONESIA PRISON BREAK • More than 200 were at large, including nearly 20 convicted terrorists.
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