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forums that focus on the benefits of hiring people with disabilities. • My goal is to make South Dakota an "employment-first state." That means our government will commit itself to making employment the first priority and the preferred outcome for our citizens with disabilities. Although many with disabilities, particularly those with intellectual disabilities, are employed in "shelter work environments," which separate them into separate work places, our goal is to include these people in the regular workforce. Research has shown this to be far better, economically and socially. • Reaching this goal will take a concentrated effort, and there are many stakeholders who can help advance this worthy goal. As with the Criminal Justice Initiative last year, I have created a broadly representative task force to investigate this issue. The group will include those with disabilities and their families; representatives of business and industry; lawmakers; state government officials; and representatives of nonprofit agencies and community providers. I've asked for their recommendations toward increasing the number of South Dakotans with disabilities who are employed. • I believe the time has come for South Dakotans to work together to ensure people with disabilities have the opportunity to do what they want to do - work alongside their friends and neighbors and provide for themselves and their families.