Claremont Recorder By Beverly Patterson
• I may as well start the news this week by reporting a record number of brutal attacks made by the fiercest mosquitoes I've ever seen. This 4th of July we gave in to using some of the strongest, most dangerous bug spray they make and probably shouldn't sell and still we got knawed on. We eventually decided that the bug spray was actually attracting the nasty fleet that buzzed their way into our celebrations and eventually we simply gave up the fight and went inside. Much to our surprise the leader of their pack had arranged for a small fleet to follow us inside causing continued excitement before we drifted off to sleep. Did we have a good time anyway? Of course! We made memories that will linger pleasantly in our minds for years to come. Don Schatz Jr arrived on Wednesday evening from Bismarck and stayed until Sunday. On Thursday Marie Patterson hosted a cookout for Don and Becky Wegleitner, April Wegleitner, Jr Patterson, Lee Loebs, Don Schatz Jr and me, Beverly. After dinner we played ladder ball and then the Dons, Becky and I went fishing. The mosquitoes came with us. We were so happy. Nothing to brag about ended up on any of our rods so we came back to Claremont and the Dons shot off a rather large amount of very loud but beautiful fireworks. On Friday Don and I made a quick trip into Aberdeen to pick up a chain for his chainsaw and before returning we stopped in and had a nice visit with Verl and Mary Cutler. Once we were back in (Continued on page 6)