Trial set for man accused of accepting kickbacks
• FARGO, N.D. (AP) -- Trial is set to begin for a North Dakota man is accused of accepting kickbacks for housing contracts on the Standing Rock Indian Reservation. • Michael Addington has pleaded not guilty to two counts, including conspiracy to commit fraud, theft and bribery with programs receiving federal funds. • Authorities accused Addington of using his position with the Standing Rock Housing Authority to help a construction company in Fort Pierre, S.D., receive new projects. • Addington allegedly gave information from sealed bids that allowed the company to underbid the competition. • Jury selection is scheduled to begin Monday in Bismarck. •
SD panel considers quota for bobcat harvest
• PIERRE, S.D. (AP) -- The South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks is deciding whether to impose a limit on the number of bobcats that could be killed in the western part of the state. • The panel meets Monday to consider proposed rules for next winter's bobcat hunting and trapping season. The commission was scheduled to set the season last month, but delayed a decision for a month after proposing a season that would be much different than state wildlife officials had originally suggested. • Because of uncertainty on how many bobcats live in South Dakota, the panel is proposing that no more than 600 bobcats could be shot or trapped in a western South Dakota season that would run from Dec. 26 to March 1. The season would end early if that quota is reached. •
Applicants sought for Native Nation program
• SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) -- The Bush Foundation is seeking applications from enrolled members of tribes in North Dakota, South Dakota and Minnesota as part of its Native Nation Rebuilders Program. • The program aims to strengthen leadership skills for leaders in 23 tribal nations. The program was launched in 2010. • Over the course of the two-year program, selected participants take part in five (Continued on page 18)