(Continued from page 5)
• I am really getting bogged down with all of this political correctness nonsense. How people can be so sensitive to be upset by a word. My father used to say, "Sticks and stones may break my bones (but words will never hurt me)." • "Well," I said in a little bit of desperation, "I guess I'll just have to call them lady." • "Not so fast," she said looking at me. "How do you spell lady? The first three letters spell the word 'lad,' and everybody knows a lad is a boy." • It has been a long time since I have been this frustrated. For the life of me I do not intend to offend anybody if it all possible. I am just getting to the point where I am not sure it is going to be possible not to offend persons of the opposite gender. • I finally came up with the word I thought would solve all my political correctness dilemma. And I threw it at her. "I will just call them a person." I was proud of my accomplishment. • Someone, no names will be mentioned, laughed hysterically at me while shaking her head. • "Buster," she said, "you still don't get it, do you? The word person ends with the word 'son' and everybody knows a son is a male child."
(Continued on page 7)