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(SDCL 13-18-16/17). • . Approve peripheral sports and other volunteer school workers such as chain gang, line judges, Booster Club/PAC • workers, assistant coaches, volunteer coaches, volunteer drivers, etc. to be included in the school's workmen's compensation insurance coverage. • OLD/CONTINUING BUSINESS: • 1. Amend School District Financial Commitment to sport of soccer to include district portion of upkeep of soccer field as stated in Lease Agreement with City of Groton. • NEW BUSINESS: • 1. Set date and time for regular school board meetings...presently 2nd & 4th Monday for months of September through November and January through April; 2nd Monday only for months of December, May, July, & August, and 2nd Monday and last Monday of the month in June, to be held in the GHS Conference Room at 7:30 PM for the months of April through October and 7:00 PM for the months of November through March, with consideration to reschedule the meeting dates, times, and places when deemed necessary or appropriate. • . Approve Open Enrollment Application #13-05 (Gr. 10) from Aberdeen School District. • . Approve Open Enrollment Application #13-06 (Gr. 4) from Aberdeen School District. • . Approve Open Enrollment Application #13-07 (Gr. K) from Aberdeen School District. • . Executive Session pursuant to SDCL 1-25-2(3)...to discuss staffing for 2013-2014. • . Other items, as may be appropriate or as deemed necessary. • ADJOURN