Wheat stocks up in the Dakotas over the year
• FARGO, N.D. (AP) -- Wheat stocks are up significantly in the Dakotas over the year. • The Agriculture Department in its latest report says stocks of all types of wheat in North Dakota on June 1 totaled 84.2 million bushels, up 22 percent from 2012. In South Dakota, they totaled 32.2 million bushels, up 37 percent. • Corn and soybean stocks were up in North Dakota but down in South Dakota. •
State Historical Society offers free videos
• PIERRE, S.D. (AP) -- The Museum of the South Dakota State Historical Society is offering a new program related to its new status as a Smithsonian Institution Affiliate. • The museum is located at the Cultural Heritage Center in Pierre. It became a Smithsonian affiliate in January. • Starting July 14, the Museum of the South Dakota State Historical Society will offer a video program from one of the Smithsonian Museums. The video programs are free to attend. • The videos will be available the second Sunday of every month. The first video will be from the Smithsonian's National Air & Space Museum. •
Oglala Sioux tribal president to visit Nebraska
• LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) -- The president of the Oglala Sioux Tribe is scheduled to visit Lincoln next week to discuss alcohol sales in the Nebraska town of Whiteclay, on the border of South Dakota's Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. • Tribal President Bryan Brewer will give a speech Sunday at Vine Congregational United Church of Christ in Lincoln. The 7 p.m. event is free and open to the public. • Organizers say Brewer is also planning to meet with Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman to talk about alcohol sales in Whiteclay. Activists say the town's beer stores contribute to social problems on the officially dry reservation. • Last year, Brewer spoke at Chadron State College in northwest Nebraska about his plans to attract small businesses to the reservation while preserving the tribe's Lakota language.
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