Groton News
• Lee Schinkel returned home on Tuesday from Las Vegas, Nevada; where he visited his two daughters, Tara Patterson and Teal Schinkel. Lee went especially to attend the first dance recital of his four year old granddaughter, Scarlet Fitzpatrick. • LaVonne Helmer drove to Sisseton to see her brother, R.K. Jones, on Sunday. He is living in the Tekawitha Nursing home and is doing fine. • The Adult Birthday Club met at Marion Raines' home. Prizes were awarded to Mary Jo Ball, Clarabelle Brotherton and Beverly McGannon. McGannon also won the door prize. Guests were Mary Jo Ball and Beverly McGannon.
Inspector Wanted
CONTRACT FIELD INSPECTOR WANTED to perform floor plan audits at dealerships in Aberdeen area. Part-time, as need contract work, $25+ per inspection. Contact us though http://www.quiktrak.com/web/Contact.aspx
Carson Thank You
• We would like to thank everyone for the cards sent and prayers offered for us in celebration of our 40th wedding anniversary. We also want to thank our children for remembering our special day by placing the announcement in the newspaper. God bless all of you and to Him be the glory. • Kevin & Betty Carson
Nelson Thank You
• We would sincerely like to thank all of you for your cards, blessings, congratulations, and best wishes as we celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary. • Gordon and Dorene Nelson, Groton