City airport is closed
• The city was ordered to close down the airport. After an inspection, the city was notified to call Huron Flight Service to close the airport and use it for emergency landing only. Huron Flight Service runs all of the airports in the state and notifies airmen of open and closed airports. The inspection found a row of hay down the middle of the runway, holes in the runway, corn planted too close and grain bins that have been erected too close to the site. • Since the inspection, the hay has been removed, the holes filled and the city is trying to contact the planter of the corn to get some of the rows of corn removed. The grain bins have been in existence since 2011, so the city is trying to figure out what the reasoning is for making them a concern now. Once all of the concerns are met, the airport can be reopened. • Two requests were sent to city hall via e-mail and both were discussed at the meeting Monday night. The first was a request for a fire pit regulation. It was pointed out that the city has had on the books since the 1970s an ordinance banning open burning in the city limits. Linda Schmig wrote in stating that the smoke comes too close to the apartments and makes the air unpleasant to breathe. City Attorney