Monday,  June 24, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 338 • 33 of 38

(Continued from page 32)

two small children, Irina Medvinskaya was feeling desperate in the bleak days after the storm. The elevators stopped working. The food in her refrigerator spoiled.
• Without the help of friends and family -- particularly her boyfriend, who lugged full water-cooler bottles up the stairs -- she doesn't know how she would have survived.
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Pakistani premier says military ruler who ousted him in coup should be tried for treason

• ISLAMABAD (AP) -- Pakistan's premier said Monday that the military ruler who ousted him in a coup over a decade ago should be tried for treason, but the government stopped short of pressing official charges.
• Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif spoke in parliament as the Supreme Court held a hearing on a possible treason case against Pervez Musharraf. The former military ruler can only be tried for treason if the federal government presses charges against him.
• Sharif said the government agrees with the Supreme Court's decision that Musharraf committed treason under Article 6 of the constitution when he declared a state of emergency in 2007 and suspended the constitution. Trying Musharraf for treason could set up a clash with the country's powerful army.
• "The prime minister is under oath to protect, preserve and defend the constitution and it is implicit in his oath that his government ensures that persons guilty of acts under Article 6 are brought to justice," Sharif said in parliament.
• The premier was reading from a statement that was submitted to the Supreme Court by Attorney General Munir Malik on Monday. The statement did not mention Musharraf's ouster of Sharif in a coup in 1999 when he was serving as army chief, perhaps because the move was approved by the Supreme Court and parliament at the time.
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Too much ethanol in gas? High-blend fuel prompts debate; are older cars, motorcycles at risk?

• WASHINGTON (AP) -- It's a dilemma for drivers: Do they choose a gasoline that's cheaper and cleaner even if, as opponents say, it could damage older cars and motorcycles?
• That's the peril and promise of a high-ethanol blend of gasoline known as E15.

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