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Beach, New Hampshire and swam in the Atlantic Ocean. They returned home on Thursday, June 6th. They packed a lot of activity into those days away but were happy to be back in our little rural community once again and we're happy to have them back! • I had a busy weekend. Don showed up on Saturday afternoon and together we installed an air conditioner then went out to Becky and Don's. Becky was doing a small remodel of her porch because her Don was at the river fishing for a few days. She always views those times as opportunities to make Don sweat more than the summer sun! He never knows what is going to happen when he's away but is always relieved when he sees the finished project. We wrapped up Becky's multitude of multi-tasking endeavors with some delicious Indian Tacos and a bonfire that aided in the creation of some pretty fantastic s'mores. Jr Patterson, Lee Loebs and Steve Stanley were also in attendance. It was a great evening and we were able to burn most of the things Becky ripped out of the porch so Don will have a hard time remembering what's missing as there is not much left of the visual proof of what once was! • Have a great week everyone! I am headed to Bismarck for the weekend. I will most likely lose a lot of sleep worrying about that grass that is growing out of control but I'm sure it will be there when I get back! Call me, text me, email me or just stop into Hollands and give me your news. 605-294-5874, 701-680-7255, beverlypatterson555@yahoo.com.