The role of SD Dept. of Veterans
• The mission of the South Dakota Department of Veterans Affairs is to serve the over 75,000 veterans residing in South Dakota in all matters pertaining to veterans benefits. This responsibility falls into two basic tasks: informing veterans and their families about their benefits and directly assisting and advising veterans and their families in securing the benefits to which they are entitled. • Advocating with purpose and passion for South Dakota veterans, our team is at the forefront of the most demanding challenges confronting our state's veterans, whether they are veterans from the World War II generation, the Korean War, Vietnam, the Cold War, or veterans who most recently served in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Iraqi Freedom, or Operation New Dawn. • According to the VA's FY 2012 Summary of Expenditures, South Dakota veterans receive more than $489.2 million annually in medical, compensation, education, and pension benefits. Although this number is impressive, there are many eligible veterans in South Dakota who are not taking advantage of the many benefits available to them. • This month we are encouraging all veterans to verify that they have utilized all the educational opportunities afforded to them. • As the State Approving Agency, the South Dakota Department of Veterans Affairs is responsible for approving and supervising programs in South Dakota's universities and technical schools as well as the on-the job training and apprenticeship programs. • Currently South Dakota has 140 veterans participating in the OJT/Apprenticeship programs and over 2,500 veterans using GI Bill benefits for college and technical schools. But that number can and should grow. OJT programs include such positions as appraisers, funeral directors, police officers, correctional officers, electricians, plumbers, parts technicians, mechanics, IT specialists, radio technicians, fire fighters, welders, chefs, and many more. • We encourage all veterans to make sure that they have utilized their education benefits. • For more information regarding your educational benefits and the programs available to you, we encourage you to contact our education team at (605.773.3269). • Larry Zimmerman, Secretary • South Dakota Department of Veterans Affairs