Your Financial Life After Graduation
• To the millions of college and high school seniors who recently graduated (and to their parents, who weathered the ups and downs of reaching that summit): congratulations on a job well done. After the celebration dies down, you'll no doubt be eager to embark on life's next chapter, whether it's finding a job, preparing for college or enrolling in military or community service. • Before you jump in feet first, however, let me share a few financial lessons I learned the hard way when I was just starting out. They might save you a lot of money in the long run and help you get closer to your life goals, whether it's buying a house, starting a family or even retiring early - as far off as that may sound. • First, pretend you're still a starving student. After landing your first full-time job, the urge to go on a spending spree for new clothes, a better apartment and a car from this decade will be irresistible after surviving on ramen noodles for four years. (Continued on page 3)