find any day of the year where something or someone is not being observed, which has benefited the greeting card company, you can be sure. I am not positive, but I think they have had a great deal to do with designating these days. • Some days are celebrated a little more enthusiastically than others. The Fourth of July has firecrackers; Halloween has funny and scary costumes, not to mention bags of candy; and Christmas boasts the Christmas tree and jolly old St. Nick with all his presents, and it is hard to compete with Christmas parties when it comes to celebrations. • And we come to Mother's Day. According to experts, more telephone calls are placed on Mother's Day than any other day of the year. Also, try to walk into a restaurant and get a seat on that certain Sunday. • There is a theory, which I subscribe to personally, stating the reason Father's Day is so lame is because so much has been spent on Mother's Day, there is nothing left. • I think there should be a rule that says, whatever Mother's Day costs fathers, (Continued on page 3)