• Someone has called this Psalm an "Arrow Prayer." David was in a life-threatening situation and needed help. There was no time for flowery words or trite phrases. It was now or never: If God did not respond immediately, it would be all over for him. He was frightened! • And because of the urgency of this situation, there are different ways to describe his immediate need: "Hasten, Lord; Please God, come quickly; Please God, rescue me right now; Come quickly, Lord, and help me!" • At the time David offered this prayer there were some who were trying to kill him, humiliate him, put him to shame and take delight in the problems he was facing. Some of his closest friends threatened to destroy him. He was disappointed. He felt empty and forsaken. Those whom he had trusted betrayed him and those whom he had helped turned against him. This happens to us all. • David felt empty, broken, alone and forgotten by everyone but his Lord. So, he did what he always did: he turned to God during a critical life-crisis begging for immediate assistance. He knew that God alone could and would help him, save him, sustain him and shield him from harm. We, too, do the same. • But in the midst his cry for help, David did as he always did: he praised God. Tucked away in the middle of this "Arrow Prayer" David said, "May those who long for Your saving help always say, 'The Lord is Great.'" • What a wonderful lesson for each of us. When we face moments of distress let us never forget God's greatness! • Prayer: Lord, may we always remember to praise You for Your grace and goodness even when our faith is weak. In Jesus' Name, Amen. • Scripture for Today: Psalm 70:1 Hasten, O God, to save me; come quickly, Lord, to help me. • •