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phone, texting or someone using an iPad. Instructions were in black and white that the black and white television was not to be on during meals. One of us was always expected to help with the dishes. My twin brother and I were supposed to take turns. Somehow he always seemed to go and lock himself into the bathroom just after the meal and I would of course angelically help with the dishes. • After supper there could be some television time usually as a family. Ed Sullivan Hour, Red Skelton, I Love Lucy and Rawhide were among the favorites. No swearing, nudity, gay kisses or apocalyptic events; just commercials for cigarettes that our doctors recommended. It was a different time and reminiscing seems to make it a better time. Despite that, I think I will still hang around a while and see what happens next. • • Boomer Babble - "Thoughts at Large" are written by the Boomer Babble Guys, Charles Doug and John with occasional help from friends. The Boomer Babble radio show is broadcast on WNAX 570 Sunday evenings at 5:00. Visit us at BoomerBabble.com.